prosirila sam raniji post sa ova dva linka, molim vas proverite svoja zanimanja pre nego pocnete da bacate pare, nisu za sva potrebna jednacenja diploma.
npr. ako u ovu pretragu ukucate ovo machine, dobicete ovo
Information on requirements to practise
In Canada, the technician and technologist professions are not regulated; however, certification is often favoured and required by many employers. Full membership in a provincial association is required to use the titles of Certified Engineering Technologist (C.E.T.), Applied Science Technologist (A.Sc.T.), Professional Technologist (PTech), or Certified Technician (CTech). In Quebec, membership in the professional association is required to use the title of technologue professionnel/Professional Technologist (TP), which is a "profession à titre réservé."
The provincial associations of CCTT (see list below) handle the certification procedures according to national standards.
The Canadian Technology Accreditation Board (CTAB) evaluates postsecondary programs of study in applied science and engineering technology. The board includes representatives from the provincial associations and societies, the Department of National Defence (DND), the Council of Registrars (COR), the Canadian Society for Chemical Technology (CSCT), and the National Council of Deans of Technology (NCDoT).
Information on assessment of qualifications
For new immigrants, CCTT assists in assessing qualifications for people applying for permanent residence in Canada who intend to work as technicians or technologists. In this regard, CCTT has prepared an information note entitled Informal Assessment of Foreign Qualifications for Applied Science and Engineering Technicians and Technologists [pdf document].
Visit their Web page on National and International Mobility or contact CCTT for further general information:
Canadian Council of Technicians and Technologists (CCTT)
295 - 1101 Prince of Wales Drive
Ottawa ON K2C 3W7 Canada
Phone : 613-238-8123
Phone (alternate): 1-800-891-1140
Fax : 613-238-8822
Email :
OSTATAK je na linku
npr za arhitekte je ova prica
Information on requirements to practise
The profession of architect is regulated in all provinces and territories in Canada. This means that, by law, no one can practise the profession of architect without a license. Provincial and territorial regulatory bodies of architects are responsible for setting the standards for entry into the profession and for issuing licenses to those who meet established standards of qualifications and practice. It is illegal to practise the profession or use the title of architect without being licensed as a full member in a provincial/territorial regulatory body.
Information on assessment of qualifications
Internationally-trained architects will need to contact the Canadian Architectural Certification Board to know how their educational qualifications would be assessed. Their address is as follows:
Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB)
710 - 1 Nicholas Street
Ottawa ON K1N 7B7 Canada
Phone : 613-241-8399
Fax : 613-241-7991
Email :
This is the first step on the way to licensure, and it is mandatory to start the licensure/registration process in every province and territory in Canada. The assessment takes about three months from the date of submission of complete application.
The provincial and territorial associations are responsible for the next steps (internships and examinations) of the process. For all general information requests related to academic qualifications, you are invited to contact the CACB.
Once you know where you will settle and work, you should contact the appropriate provincial/territorial regulatory body for information on licensing procedures (see list below).
The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada also provides information for foreign-trained architects who wish to practise their profession in Canada.
Even if you are already licensed to practise a regulated occupation in Canada, employers may request that you provide them with a formal assessment of your academic credentials.
If that is the case, or if you wish to have your credentials assessed for a purpose other than practising a regulated occupation in Canada, you may consult our Fact Sheet No. 2, "Assessment and recognition of credentials for the purpose of employment in Canada" and contact an academic credential evaluation service. Although evaluation services offer expert advice on how qualifications obtained abroad compare with academic credentials obtained in Canada, their evaluations are advisory only and do not guarantee recognition of your qualifications for employment or certification purposes in Canada. Please note that evaluation services charge a fee for their assessments.
papir na temu ne prizanavanja diploma i uticaj situacije na imigrante i drzavu domacina
Silycat ajde mi molim te znam jel sam dobro zapamtio......pisala si nešto o tome da su ti zagubili dokumentaciju na faksu ili tak nešto..pitam..zato jer se to dogodilo MBP..tvrde da nisu primili dva papira potrebna za upis ( potvrdu od njezinog faksa i još neštoo )..i sad seruckaju...mislim da ču ih nagazit !
ReplyDeletene, moj problem je bio sto nisu hteli da prime papire od mene licno pa sam morala da ih vadim ponovo i da posaljem kopije diploma nazad da bi ih poslali direktno sa fakulteta u kanadu.svi moji papiri su slati regularnom postom preporuceno sa povratnicom tako da sam mogla da ih pratim preko neta, dobijes broj posiljke i mozes da proveris na sajtu kanadske poste.
ReplyDeleteali moze da se desi da papiri ne stignu na vreme, u proseku obicnom postom stizu za 14 dana a meni se desilo da su nam zagubili paket odande pa je stigao za 32,zaglavio se u nekoj posti ovde, mozes da zoves postu ako imas broj posiljke i vidis da li je izgubljeno u posti ili mozes da ih sve iscimas da jos jednom provere. posto su mi nekoliko puta gubili regularnu postu krenula bih od njih...