One of my favorite writers(Ivo Andric) wrote once that the happy people write rarely or never, and the other ones...well, it takes a certain amount of solitude and sadness to be able to write sincerely, from your heart, about the troubles of mankind and human nature.
It's not like that with me, I never write to drown others in my current misery, if I can't share good and beautiful thing I try to avoid writing about the not so "happy" things or times.Sometimes, no matter how hard i try to avoid these pests I just can't.
And here's the catch,
you come to a point in your life where you think that things are going to finally click into their place, that life is going to be a little bit easier from now on and then it hits you...
Our new home is perfect, our wish list came true, a small townhouse with fenced yard that looks into the park with new playgrounds, a swimming pool beside the home, kid friendly community, small town, cheaper than Toronto...the new job, not so perfect.
Sometimes, when preparing for the interview they tell you to "enhance" the truth a little bit, basically they suggest that you should lie in order to get that job you desire so much, if you can live up to your lie and succeed by working hard and being smart, you'll be forgiven. What they don't tell you, is that the employer is allowed to do the same.
The Data Manager position in a small company seems to involve anything from being system analyst and reporting , system admin to repairing broken computer parts or door knobs...there are no particular tasks and everything is your job, and at the end, your fault.
And there is another thing, a complete mess, the person who worked there for the past 2 decades before you came was a self taught jack-of-all-trades and hobby handyman, then suddenly at the age of 65 he found out that he has terminal cancer, took vacation and died in a month. No one knows about the networks, passwords, there are no documents, there is a million shelves with gadgets, papers and spare parts, new and old and all out of order...And they are all awaiting someone to fix everything magically, bad luck- it's you. They just forgot to tell you all this during your interview...
pizda li im sigurna da poslodavac nije s Balkana ; D?
ReplyDeleteKakvo s.anje.
Ali, kad je najgore, posle toga moze da bude jedino bolje!
Da, to se i mi pitamo, cak je umesana i neka politika tipa ovi iz ovog mesta ne vole ove druge iz drugog mesta i svi zajedno ne vole pridoslice...izgleda da su male sredine svuda slicne, stvarno lici na srbiju na zalost...Dobra stvar je sto uvek mozemo dalje ili nazad ali mi je zao, zaista nisam ocekivala toliko neprofesionalnosti ovde, medjutim kada konkurises za posao imas pravo da se provlacis po nekim privilegovanim kategorijama tipa vidljive manjene, aboridzini, disability ili zena sam...tamo je izgleda sve to upalilo...u malim sredinama su kriterijumi za zaposljavanje prilicno niski kada je u pitanju ne tehnicko osoblje. U torontu ima milion ljudi koji su bolji i pametniji i sposobniji od tebe i uvek ce biti puno konkurencije, ovde je druga prica ima puno konkurencije koja je daleko ispod zahteva poslodavca jer ima dosta nezaposlenih.
ReplyDeleteuh, uh, bas mi je zao sto je tako ispalo :( Jeste da se mozete vratiti ali...sad taj trud oko selidbe (da ne spominjem novac i zivce)...Ne znam sta da kazem